Rediscovering The Wild at Chula Camp:
Zambia’s Back-to-Roots Safari

Tucked away on the secluded Katengahumba Island, Classic Zambia`s Chula Camp – a gem among Zambia’s safaris – offers a journey back to the raw essence of Africa’s wilderness. From the distant horizon traced by the serpentine Zambezi River to the whispering natal mahogany trees guarding its perimeters, the camp marries tranquility with the adrenaline of raw adventure, embodying the spirit of an authentic African safari.

As you arrive via a brief flight from Lusaka, the journey is just the preamble to the adventure that Chula offers. Your landing at the Jeki Airstrip is followed by a wild drive and a serene boat ride, making your entrance into Chula a safari experience in itself. You’re instantly immersed in a world that brims with life, while exuding an unruffled serenity. Here, wildlife doesn’t just mean the majestic big game; it is a medley of experiences, from observing the tiniest insects to watching colossal elephants grazing at dawn.

Accommodations at Chula forgo extravagance and focus on the elemental. Guest tents embody simplicity and functionality with netted walls that offer a panoramic view of the African landscape, whether under a glaring sun or a starlit sky. They capture the spirit of the camp: immersive, authentic, and wild. While maintaining the ecoconscious ethos that drives Chula, the resort ensures that a touch of comfort is not forgotten. Each accommodation is equipped with en-suite bathrooms featuring flushing toilets and traditional bucket showers.

 Communal spaces serve as forums for camaraderie, encouraging guests to share safari tales over a hearty meal. Every meal at Chula is an event, picture breakfasts by the fire, dinners under a glittering sky, and packed lunches to fuel your explorations.

As day breaks, a multitude of experiences await, driven by the passionate guides whose love for the wilderness matches their expertise. You might join a morning walking safari, tracing paths in the dust where just moments ago a lion padded silently, or spend a calm afternoon canoeing, gliding through the ‘Discovery’ channel and catching glimpses of hippos and crocodiles. Fishing enthusiasts can reel in the famous Tigerfish, with the setting sun illuminating the Zambezi in hues of red and gold, and as night descends, nocturnal creatures make their debut during thrilling night game drives.

Chula is more than a safari camp; it’s an invitation to experience Africa as it was meant to be. It takes you back to the roots, while sustaining a pledge of environmental responsibility. There are no digital distractions, just the hum of the wild and the thrill of discovery. In Chula, there is a rare promise of true connection – with nature, with fellow adventurers, and with oneself.

As a well-known travel expert put it, “Chula is one of the most exciting properties anywhere on the continent.” So for the wild-at-heart seeking an authentic safari experience, Chula awaits. You won’t just walk away with memories; you will leave with stories of adventure, connection, and of the raw, beautiful wilderness of Classic Zambia’s Chula Camp.


Tucked within the wild heart of the Lower Zambezi National Park, Chula Island Camp is accessible via Jeki Airstrip—your gateway to the wild—with daily flights from the urban pulse of Lusaka.


  • Experience an early morning safari walk while the air is still crisp and the soft morning light lingers just below the tree tops. Discover fresh animal tracks as you amble through the bush in the early hours of the day.
  • Glide silently across the Discovery channel in a canoe as your expert guide steers you alongside a variety of game, large and small.
  • No Zambian safari is complete without a night-time game drive. Sight nocturnal wildlife in their natural habitat, an exhilarating experience unlike any daytime safari.
  • Cast your line wide as you try your luck at tiger fishing alongside hippos and elephants. The Zambezi is home to some of the finest freshwater fish and the tigerfish is no exception!


 +260 974173403

 [email protected]

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