Proflight Brightens The Sky With Chitenge

In an inspired fusion of culture and aviation, Proflight Zambia incorporated the vibrant chitenge into its corporate identity, taking its Fly Zambia campaign to new heights.

The chitenge – as it is known in Zambia – is worn across Africa and goes by many other names, such as kikwembe in neighbouring DR Congo, ankara in West Africa, and kitenge in East Africa. 

Chitenges are a staple of many traditional wardrobes. While considered a ‘common’ fabric to have, the extent of the beauty of the fabric and its intricate designs bring to life occasions such as traditional ceremonies, weddings and other significant moments.

The chitenge is more than just a fabric; it is a piece of home and speaks to many experiences we have over a lifetime, whether of comfort, peace, or nostalgia. Of course, there is also the person who wears the cloth and gives it a whole new outlook and life of its own once adorned. It is a unique and versatile material that weaves together culture, innovation, history and so on.

As a home-spun Zambian airline, Proflight has taken up the sentiment and dedicated Fridays to its campaign, with staff donning diverse colours, designs and styles that bring their sparkle and shine to the day-to-day operations. 

Zambia’s 59th Independence Day celebrations served as the perfect occasion to ‘fly’ the flag and chitenge even higher and louder as staff went all-out to dress up and incorporate the national colours into their ensemble. 

With the added touch of African, Proflight continues to offer travellers an authentic Zambian-African experience with its dedication to reliable, friendly, safe, and affordable air travel. 

Proflight has embraced and proved to be a leading local aviation and cultural ambassador, celebrating Zambia’s rich heritage and helping to boost tourism in the country. The airline has been instrumental in propelling Zambia’s tourism and its aviation sector to new heights.

“Incorporating the chitenge in our Fly Zambia campaign comes naturally, as it is simply tapping into our identity as a local airline that spreads its wings and takes the heart of Zambia into the region and brings the region and the world to Zambia. Proflight doesn’t just fly; it carries the essence of Zambia across the skies,” said Captain Walubita.

While aviation can be a serious industry, Proflight can showcase the sector’s lighter, fun, more hospitable and personable side through such campaigns.

With a remarkable 89% recovery rate in tourism routes in 2022 and a subsequent surge in 2023, Proflight stands as a beacon for efficient air travel in the region. Having transported 130,000 passengers in 2022 and an astounding 250,000 in the first half of 2023, the airline’s impact continues to grow.

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